selective focus photo of bottle floating on body of water

God Loves Me?

“God loves you.”

I had heard these words more times than I could count. And as a friend, teacher, and mentor, I’d shared them (sincerely and earnestly!) with anyone in my path in need of some encouragement.

However, as I sat there in my counselor’s office, I realized that I hadn’t directed that encouragement at myself in a long time. What I knew in my head, I’d neglected to let penetrate my heart and overflow into my life.

God loves me?

Me – the one who trusts Google more than she trusts God most days

Me – the one who wrestles between making too much and too little of her health issues

Me – the one who often feels like a wimp compared to others

Me – the one who seems perpetually self-focused

Me – the one who struggles with control and others’ opinions

Yes. God loves me.

Me – the one who is a beloved child of God (1 John 3:1-2)

Me – the one who is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139)

Me – the one who is allowed to be weak and rely on His strength (2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Psalm 103: 13-14)

Me – the one who is forgiven and redeemed (Romans 5:8, Psalm 103: 10-12, Hebrews 4:15-16, Romans 8)

Me – the one who is called to abide in my Savior’s love (John 15:7-11)

Abide in His Love

Has a been a minute since you let it sink in, really sink in that God loves you? Whatever messes, struggles, or insecurities you might be carrying today, bring it all to the feet of the Savior who willingly died for you.

Take a few moments today to abide in His love. Meditate on Scripture, share your heart with the Lord, and sit in the stillness of His presence.

Remind yourself of that old familiar refrain… Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so…

*Find my LOVED playlist here!