picnic table tree outdoors

In the Presence of Our Enemies…

It was a rough morning.  Anxiety was pulsing tangibly as I made the drive to work.  I was blasting the song “A Sound Mind” by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser, a favorite of mine, when one of the lyrics struck me differently.  The line was, “there’s a table where we meet/ in the presence of my enemies.” 

Many of you might immediately recognize this lyric as a reference to Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” I’ve always loved Psalm 23, and in that particular season, the imagery of God as our shepherd had been a powerful refuge for me.  Verse 5 of this Psalm was one I had kind of glossed over as it didn’t contain any shepherd imagery.  But, as I was driving to work that morning, struggling to keep it all together, the phrase “in the presence of… in the presence of…” kept repeating in my head.  And that’s when I felt the Lord reminded me that He doesn’t always remove our enemies from us. 

Think about Daniel in the lion’s den or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.  Their enemies were not removed – let’s be real – they were literally thrown at their enemies. Or what about Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6?  They were literally surrounded by an enemy army (v. 15).  However, as Psalm 23 holds true with the rest of scripture, God can bless us even when our enemy is still in our midst. 

Psalm 23:5 says that not only did the Lord prepare “a feast,” as the NLT translation states, but David the psalmist was blessed so much that his cup overflowed!  

What seems to be your “enemy” in this season?  Anxiety? Pain? Uncertainty? How is the Lord serving as a Great Host and providing for you even when your enemy is still present?  Even when the anxiety lingers. Even when the pain doesn’t subside.  Even when questions multiple. While we might like it to disappear, your “enemy” does not have to be gone in order to receive blessing, provision, and joy.  Can knowing that the Lord is right there with you – putting together a feast of blessing – as you face your enemies provide an inch of peace and joy today, dear sisters? 

As Elisha prayed for his servant in 2 Kings 6:16-17, I pray for all of us, Lord, open our eyes that we may see. Show us that Your spiritual forces outnumber our enemies. Help us to see your provision as we face our own battles each day. May we feast upon your joy and faithfulness.  Amen.