man standing near the river

Preparing For That Doctor’s Appointment

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve cried in a parking lot after a doctor’s appointment, I’d be a millionaire.  Okay, maybe not, but I’d at least be able to buy a nice drink at my favorite coffee shop!  Let’s face it – Doctor’s appointments are just tough.  I’m incredibly thankful for the medical field and the many professionals who have played important roles in my journey.  However, there’s just something about the combination of expectations, uncertainty, and jitters that can make seeing a medical professional a challenging experience.  Here are some lessons I’ve learned to hopefully help you navigate your next “big” appointment.

1. Check Your Expectations

Take some time to honestly reflect on what you are expecting from this appointment.  Are you expecting this appointment to be “the one” that will provide answers, or this doctor the one that will finally bring relief? While I encourage you to have hope and be optimistic, try to hold your appointment with an open hand, as difficult as that may be.  I’ve been crushed after appointments with unwanted outcomes. And not necessarily bad outcomes, either, just not the ones I’d already envisioned in my mind. I’ve fallen into the trap of setting all of my hope on an appointment, instead of on how God might use the appointment in my journey. There’s a difference. God is still for me and with me even if an appointment falls apart.

Share with your Heavenly Father about what your hopes are for this appointment, be real with Him about what you are wrestling with, and ask Him to move in ways that only He can, reminding you of your identity in Him.

2. Write Things Down

Every medical professional has a different personality, routine, time allotment, etc.  To help with the productivity and focus of your appointment, I’d recommend writing important information down.  Bring a typed medications list.  Write down your chief concerns and questions and bring this with you.  If it’s a new doctor that I don’t know well, or I’m feeling especially nervous, sometimes I’ll bring two copies of my questions and concerns and give one to the doctor to follow along with as I talk.  Other times, I’ll use my paper as a guide just for me in case I forget something!

I’ve also found that writing things down in advance helps to get them out of my head.  I’d be embarrassed to admit how many times I’ve walked through an imaginary conversation with a specialist.  And, as we’ve already discussed, just because the conversation in my head goes a certain way, doesn’t mean it will go that way in real life!  So, the sooner I can get my thoughts onto paper, the sooner, with the Lord’s help, I can try and let go of the conversation, and ask for His wisdom, knowing I’ve already done my part to prepare. 

3. Prepare Practically

Is your appointment in a new location or hospital you’ve never been to before?  Make sure to look up directions beforehand, and give yourself plenty of time to get there.  You don’t want to add any stress to the day by running late or getting lost.  I find that it’s helpful if I give myself some extra time to find parking, go to the restroom, and take a moment to breathe and pray before I head into the office.  Doctor’s can also run late and your provider could want to schedule some additional tests.  Make sure you have planned enough time in your schedule so you aren’t rushing to get back to work or having to reschedule additional testing due to time constraints.  Bring snacks, water, and reading material with you in case you have to wait.  Consider asking a friend or family member to come with you if that would ease any stress or anxiety.  

4. Prepare Spiritually

As Ephesians 6 tells us, we aren’t just wrestling “against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness…” (v. 12).  So make sure to take up that “whole armor of God” (v 13), as you prepare for your appointment!  Keep reading the Word and spending time in prayer with your Heavenly Father.  Ask trusted family and friends to pray for you and your appointment.  

On the day of my appointment, I’ll often pick a specific Bible verse or passage to meditate on throughout the day.  Something to remind me of God’s presence and character, such as “The LORD is my Shepherd…” (Psalm 23:1). And on the way to my appointment, I’m usually blasting worship music and singing along at the top of my lungs! (Check out my Battle Cry Playlist HERE). Though doctor’s appointments can be intimidating, remember that you are not alone, and you have nothing to fear. God is right there with you.  

Heavenly Father,  Thank you that You are with us and for us as we face this appointment.  Grant us your wisdom and peace.  May the medical professionals we encounter be knowledgeable and kind. Help us to let go of control and allow space for You to move in ways that only You can.  Open our eyes and hearts to Your workings.  Remind us of your faithfulness on this journey, and may we show your light to those hurting around us.  Amen.