dirt road cover by dried leaves

Slow Growth is Beautiful Growth

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” -Ecclesiastes 3:11

An email announced a healing service at my church in a couple weeks.  I felt…uncomfortable, as I read it, and I wasn’t really sure why. The next Sunday one of the pastors gave a powerful message on Mark 5: 1-20 and the tension we face as Christians – how “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5, NKJV). He even referenced his own past of pain and anxiety and how there had been times he cried out for healing and others prayed with him, to seemingly no immediate effect.  There was a greater point though – the promise of Christ’s presence in our suffering and our ultimate restoration in eternity, where God will wipe away our tears and remove our pain (Revelation 21:1-7).  My pastor cautioned us that while we don’t often see the “demon possessions” today like we did in Mark 5, one of the ways that the enemy works in our lives is to keep us broken down in our pain, doubt, or frustration – no longer turning to God for help and healing.

My mind and heart wrestled for a good portion of the afternoon.  Why was I so hesitant about the healing service? My church does this a couple times a year.  And maybe that’s the point?  I have been prayed over and prayed for in regards to various health issues.  I’ve seen people I love suffer or die, when I’ve been down on my knees praying for them, as well.  

A shockwave ran through me.  Had I stopped believing that God could heal me or heal others I loved? Had I become numb to the power and importance of prayer? 

On deeper reflection, I realized no, not quite.  Although I might always wrestle with the subject of immediate healing, I realized that I hadn’t jumped off the deep end in regards to my faith in God’s power.  Rather, the Lord had allowed me to experience the beauty of slow growth. My story was a journey of healing, rather than a destination of one.  

As I sat and stared out the window at trees covered in brilliant fall colors, I realized my life had been similar to those leaves.  While I had not always receive healing in the specific ways I had asked for, the Lord had allowed so many things to in my life to “die off” – idolatries, obsessions, fears – leaving areas of beauty, healing, and strength in their place. I was now ready to face the winters of life in the same way these trees were.

The more I reflected, the more I realized that every day was a journey of healing – healing my heart, my mind, and yes, even my body, too.  How many days had I asked the Lord to help me make it through the work day?  How many times had I asked for provision, and the Lord’s perfect timing in managing my symptoms? How many times had I asked for the Lord to give me His wisdom, and remind me of His love?  And how many times was He faithful? 

Every single time. 

Maybe you have a story of miraculous healing like the man in Mark 5. Praise the Lord! Maybe you are are on a journey of healing like me. Remember, slow growth is just as praiseworthy. Whatever your story of healing might be, remember Jesus’s words of hope and purpose, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the LORD has done for you, and how he he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5: 19).

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that you are a God of healing. Open our hearts to the wonder and mystery of your miraculous power. Open our eyes to beauty and steadfastness of your everyday faithfulness. Remind us of how You are are at work in our lives, even today. We love you and need you, Lord. Amen.

Questions for Reflection:

-What are your thoughts and feelings when it comes to the topic of healing? How do these compare or contrast with what you’ve read in Scripture and/or experienced in your own life? Sort this out honestly with the Lord (a licensed counselor or pastor can be a great support in this conversation, as well!)

-How have you seen the Lord at work in your own health journey? 

-Reflect on ways that the Lord has grown you and healed you, even if it hasn’t been in the ways that you had expected or initially wanted. 

-Recall the ways that the Lord has been faithful to you today, this season, this year, etc. 

-How can you share your story with others?